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Stakeholder management software that works anywhere, at any time

Teams in diverse industries worldwide are building relationships and pursuing growth through Jambo, a straightforward stakeholder management software that delivers efficiency and transparency, no matter the industry.


Cómo le ayuda Jambo a gestionar las partes interesadas

Compromiso de las partes interesadas

Log all stakeholder interactions and establish a process to respond to all issues and commitments, that intensifies and scales your stakeholder management efforts.

Participación de la comunidad

Ease the pressure of getting community acceptance with Jambo, the best stakeholder management tool for managing community engagement processes.

Relaciones indígenas

Create strong connections that matter with Jambo and refine how you manage stakeholder interactions and relationships with Indigenous communities.

Industries leverage Jambo for project success and renewal

Energías renovables

As the world moves towards cleaner energy sources, the renewable energy industry is expanding in capacity, with wind and solar energy at the forefront. With this comes the responsibility to consult and engage with all stakeholders and impacted communities to ensure that all perspectives count.

Jambo SRM can be used throughout the renewable project lifecycle, streamlining all your stakeholder interactions by providing essential features that simplify stakeholder engagement.



Las principales organizaciones y gobiernos de Norteamérica y Europa confían en Jambo

"Jambo has been a fundamental tool in progressing our project through the BC Environmental Assessment Process and supporting our relationships with communities. The Jambo team has been dedicated to collaborating with us every step of the way, making this software work for our needs. As our use of Jambo continues to grow I am excited to see new ways it can create efficiencies and support our extensive community engagement."
Emily Milne, Especialista en Participación y Asociaciones, Skeena Resources Limited
"Jambo has proved to be very useful in managing our increasing consultation requirements. The system tracks every single call, email and meeting and helps us be transparent in our regulatory reporting."
Gordon Whitmore, Superintendente de Ordenación del Territorio, Mercer International

Want to find out if Jambo is the right stakeholder management
tool for your organization?

Concierte una llamada de 15 minutos para hablar sobre sus retos y necesidades de participación de los grupos de interés. Queremos ayudarte a descubrir si Jambo es la plataforma adecuada para tu equipo.

La promesa de seguridad de Jambo

Software seguro para la participación de las partes interesadas, siempre.

At Jambo, we take data security very seriously. The safety of your stakeholder data is our priority, and we've taken measures to protect it