Manage stakeholder consultation with a simple, all-in-one platform

Across industries and roles, teams rely on Jambo to manage their stakeholder consultation information. Jambo is designed to be easy to use, making it simple to track, manage, and secure your sensitive and confidential data.

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Stakeholder consultation information that is easy to access and search

Necesita una base de datos de partes interesadas segura y fiable.


  • Añade un perfil de contacto para cada parte interesada u organización con la que te relaciones.
  • Cada vez que añades un registro de comunicación, un problema o un compromiso y lo asocias a un contacto, se vincula a su perfil para que puedas ver y comprender todo el historial de compromiso con él.
  • Prepárese siempre antes de una reunión con las partes interesadas.

A stakeholder consultation platform that helps reduce risk

Registre y realice un seguimiento de los problemas y compromisos para garantizar que nada se escape.


  • Puedes establecer diferentes permisos para cada usuario para satisfacer sus necesidades de datos.
  • Estos permisos de usuario individuales ayudarán a garantizar que todo el mundo (incluso los contratistas) pueda utilizar la plataforma para satisfacer sus necesidades específicas, protegiendo al mismo tiempo sus datos confidenciales.

Informes sobre la participación de las partes interesadas que no duran días

Todos tus datos están en un solo lugar, para que puedas extraer los que necesites cuando los necesites.


  • Cree informes resumidos o detallados sobre la participación de las partes interesadas con sólo unos clics.
  • Create reports illustrating your organization's entire history of engagement with a single stakeholder or a whole community (or organization) to use in regulatory reports.

Características de Jambo


Track your stakeholder activities

Perfil de las partes interesadas

Keep up-to-date profiles for all stakeholders, organizations and communities in one secure location.

Store information such as contact details, interests, concerns, and interactions.

Registros de actividades e interacciones

Easily add records for each communication, activity, or interaction with stakeholders.

Review the full history of engagement with stakeholders.

Issue and feedback management

Log stakeholder issues or concerns and understand their priority and impact.

Follow issues through to resolution with an issues timeline.

Commitment tracking

Track commitments, mitigations, or promises made to stakeholders.

Set recurring commitments for those that need to be repeated at regular intervals.

Dashboards and analytics 

Monitor the status of issues, tasks, and team progress using project dashboards.

Review project analytics to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

Tasks and reminders

Assign tasks to yourself or team members.

Set auto-reminders to ensure tasks are completed on time.

Mobile responsiveness 

Access and use Jambo from any device with an internet connection, including smartphones and tablets.

Easily add records on the go without having to download a separate mobile app.

Use Siri or voice-to-text to log records quickly.


Create report summaries or comprehensive reports in seconds (CSV and PDF).

Pre-built reports are available, or create your own using filters.


Categorize and organize information using tags - these can be specific keywords, themes, categories, concerns, or trends.

Simplify searching through data by adding important keywords as tags.

Fast and easy data management features

Email automation

Automatically add emails (including attachments) from an Outlook or Gmail account to Jambo with a unique project email address. Users can simply BCC or forward emails to the unique Jambo project email address to add them to each project.

Outlook add-in

Seamlessly create new communication records within a Jambo project from your emails or calendar meetings directly from Outlook with the free Jambo for Outlook add-in.

Public API

Connect your various business applications to Jambo with our public API.

Zapier integration

With the Jambo Zapier integration, connect your popular apps like Gmail, Typeform, and SurveyMonkey directly to your Jambo account. Your data will then automatically sync with Jambo.

Attachment/document management

Add attachments like PDFs, images, and videos to records.

Include attachments in reports (attachments are downloaded in an organized zipped folder structure).


Easily log calendar events like meetings, appointments, or engagement sessions to your Jambo project directly from Outlook.

Global view

With Jambo's Global View, you can view the engagement of individuals or organizations across all of your projects or programs and easily create reports. 

Project Views

Segment stakeholder data by project to make it easy for teams to review, record, and report on stakeholder information by initiative/ project/program.

Centralized contact management

Easily share contacts across projects.

When a contact is updated in one project, those changes are automatically reflected across all other projects where that contact is shared. This ensures consistency and eliminates the need for manual updates.

Campañas de comunicación

Build contact lists and export them for use in mass communication campaigns (e.g. email lists, newsletters, mailouts).

Geospatial data

Visualize projects and see where communications are taking place on an integrated map viewer.

Export maps as PDFs.

Manage your users

Easy contact importing & duplicate management

Upload multiple contacts from an Excel file at once.

Duplication checks help ensure your contact data doesn't create duplicates.

Bulk editing tools

Quickly add/edit/remove Jambo tags or custom fields.


Customize your Jambo projects with custom fields, tags and categories to fit your needs.

Secure your projects

User permission management

Assign users roles and permission by project to ensure they only have the necessary access.

Keep sensitive information protected and only accessible to authorized personnel while enabling team collaboration.

Confidential contractor access

Work collaboratively with your contractors in Jambo by limiting their access to sensitive projects or communication records and issue updates, commitments, and tasks.  

You can limit access to sensitive information, such as financial data or confidential internal notes, to prevent unauthorized viewing or editing.

Change history and audit trail

Track user activity and changes made to records, providing a clear audit trail to ensure authenticity and accountability.


Activity logs

Jambo can keep records of activity, such as who created, edited, viewed, or deleted a record, including what changes were made to data, who made the change, when it was made, etc.

Use activity logs with your SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) software to help your organization maintain information security.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Jambo's Single Sign-On (SSO) feature provides an additional layer of security for enterprise customers, allowing IT teams to easily manage staff access using existing tools and protocols.

Want to better manage stakeholder information?

The way stakeholder relations are managed is changing. The fast-paced and results-driven nature of project lifecycles requires an efficient way of managing and tracking all the stakeholder consultations that happen—the promises and commitments made, the grievances received, and the results delivered. Spreadsheets and CRMs just don't work anymore.  

Leading organizations and governments across North America & Europe trust Jambo

The Jambo security promise

Jambo takes your data security very seriously

Stakeholder consultation data is confidential and sensitive and must be secured. We understand this and work tirelessly to keep your data safe and secure with our security features and commitments.

Almacenamiento seguro de datos de AWS

Jambo data is stored in secure regional-based Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centres. The world's most highly regulated organizations trust AWS every day.


ISO 27001: 2013 y
ISO 27017: 2015 acreditada

La certificación ISO/IEC 27001:2013 es la norma de sistemas de gestión de la seguridad de la información (SGSI) de mayor reconocimiento internacional. Conseguir la ISO 27001 es un proceso riguroso, pero esencial para mantener la información y los datos de los clientes seguros y protegidos.

Grupo Jambo-Icon

Trusted by governments and industry

Jambo undergoes rigorous and extensive third-party penetration testing yearly to ensure our platform and services are up-to-date and resistant to current threats. Because of this, we're trusted by leading organizations and governments.

Recursos de Skeena
"Jambo ha sido una herramienta fundamental para hacer avanzar nuestro proyecto a través del Proceso de Evaluación Medioambiental de BC y para apoyar nuestras relaciones con las comunidades. El equipo de Jambo se ha dedicado a colaborar con nosotros en todo momento, haciendo que este software se adapte a nuestras necesidades. A medida que crece nuestro uso de Jambo, me entusiasma ver nuevas formas en que puede crear eficiencias y apoyar nuestro amplio compromiso con la comunidad."
Emily Milne, Especialista en Participación y Asociaciones, Skeena Resources Limited

¿Quieres saber si Jambo es la herramienta de gestión de partes interesadas
adecuada para tu organización?

Book a 15-minute call to talk about your challenges and needs. We want to help you discover if Jambo is the right stakeholder
engagement platform for your team.